Saturday, December 15, 2012


It is still very surreal that as I type this I am no longer an undergraduate student. My "college" years are over. Yes, I'm going to be here for two more years as a graduate student, but it's just not the same.

Looking at my life now, and where I was when I started at Baylor four some years ago...I'm not even close to where I expected to be. I'm in a completely different place that I could have NEVER expected, yet there is no where else I would rather be. Coming to Baylor I had this grand plan for how my life would be when I graduated. I would make a 4.0 and get into the greatest medical school and become some crazy geneticist and find a cure for something incredible. I would have never imagined that I would have to take a semester off for major surgeries, switch my major to Nutrition, or be on a completely different career path.

But it has become incredibly apparent through my time in college that God has completely taken all my tiny plans for my life, crushed them and made them completely His own, and so much better than I could have dreamed. He has absolutely streamlined the path for me to be where I am, and I have absolutely no doubt that this is the direction He has always had for me. Despite both minor and major setbacks along the way, there were some pretty hopeless moments....but He has used those situations to grow me into the person He wants me to be, and now all the little pieces that threw me for years are finally fitting into a bigger puzzle and making sense.

During the ceremony today (while I was obviously hanging on every word that was being spoken) I found myself almost speechless, and just in awe of my college life. God has completely taken care of me and has never, ever left my side. Without His strength and love everyday I can say for an absolute fact there is no way I could have come this far.

For those that don't know, in January I am beginning my Master's degree here at Baylor. I also am working as a Diet Tech at a hospital here in town and am completely and irrevocably in love with my job. It's such a joy to love getting up and going to work, and being sad when I have to leave.

So here is my little graduation speech, and as cliche as it's true. God has brought me through a momentous milestone in my life, and I cannot wait to see where He leads me.