Saturday, June 27, 2015


I suppose after a grueling 1200 hour, 6 month internship my blog deserves an update! That type of schedule doesn't leave much time for anything fun - let alone blogging! But I can now say that not only have I successfully completed my internship - but I have passed my licensure exam and am now officially a Registered Dietitian!

It's been a long, stressful road the past 6 years leading up to this moment - many of which I believed I would not make it to this point. But with the help of my family/friends, God's blessings and guidance, and a ridiculous amount of work and perseverance - I have done it!

So now for an even bigger piece of news (is there such a thing?!)....I have officially moved to the bustling metropolis of Marble Falls! Population is about 6,000 and it is one of the smallest towns I've ever been in! It's definitely going to take a lot of getting used to. New home, new town, new job! There's a new hospital here that is set to open next month and I will be the RD on staff - the only one! So that's going to be interesting. It's so beautiful here though. It's in hill country, my house is on top of a hill overlooking the lake - gorgeous!

As if I needed another reminder of God's faithfulness this whole experience has been yet another in the win column for His existence and hand in my life. He has so seamless brought me to this place and made everything transition so smoothly that there is no way I was not meant to be here. It's going to be really hard when my parents leave and I'm truly and completely on my own for the first time in my life - but I know without a doubt He has a plan for me being here and it doesn't include abandoning me now.

If you want more specifics about my new home just text me! I hope you're having a FABULOUS day and I hope to hear from you soon!