Sunday, July 31, 2011


So, not many of you know this unless you've been in my car, but for about the past year or so I've had a pedal extension on my accelerator. It makes it so much easier for me to drive because I don't have to extend my leg as far, and I can basically use it while keeping my foot on the floor so I don't keep muscles flexed for long periods. It has become increasingly apparent in the last few months that I'm having a lot of trouble using the brake, which was just like any other car. Sitting at long red lights was becoming a painful problem, and it seems that the time has come to get an extension on my brake.

I tried to hold off as long as I could, because to me getting something like this done is just another thing on the list of "normal" things I can't do. But with technology these days and all the amazing stuff that's out there now, I can do "normal" things...just a little differently! So yesterday my dad and I went to get my extension on, and it is HEAVENLY!! This is going to allow me to drive for who knows how much longer now! Using the pedals are SO much easier now, and it doesn't hurt anymore! Always good. Posted below is a picture of it for you visual people.

Anyway, just thought I'd update about that. It's pretty cool all the crazy things they can do now to accommodate for things like this.

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