Thursday, June 28, 2012

A choice.

Hope you're all staying cool in this crazy heat!

The past week or so I have been reading Captivating and the accompanying workbook, by John and Stasi Eldridge. This is one of my favorite books in the world, and I have given it to many of my girl friends as presents. If you haven't read it...seriously, you need to. I even know a guy friend who has read it, and the authors recommend girls read the guy book (Wild at Heart) so we can better understand how God has uniquely designed us, and how we oh so conveniently (or not) fit together.

This book has been just what I needed, and is forcing me to get real with God and the things I've been trying to push down for so long, and finally get the healing my heart needs. The healing that God desires for me. And for all of us! There are so many different issues I could talk about from the book (and probably will in future posts) but the one that hit me tonight is one I would like to share, as I have a slight suspicion I am not alone in my struggles.


That word alone could bring cringing, wanting to skip the rest of this blog, or perhaps peak interest. Its a big deal. One that easily gets pinned with typical "church" phrases like in the Lord's Prayer where it says to forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors (which actually is Col 3:13). And a lot of times I think we get the wrong idea about forgiveness...or at least I know I do. But this book put it in a really simple way, and honestly, one that I never really gave much thought to.

Forgiveness is such a crucial part to our lives, and at least for me, one that I don't really like giving much time to. It's hard. It forces hurt feelings and deep pain to surface. But until we forgive those who have hurt us, we are held captive by the messages that came with the wounds. Paul even warns us in Ephesians 4:31 and Hebrews 12:15 that forgiveness and bitterness not only can wreck our lives, but the lives of those around us. It is a choice, not a feeling. If you wait until you "feel" like forgiving someone - you never will. Now here comes the part that I never really thought about. Saying you forgive someone is NOT saying what they did didn't matter, and that it didn't hurt. It's is NOT saying "I probably deserved what happened." It in fact is saying "What you did was wrong, very wrong, and it hurt me deeply. And I release you. I give you to God." You're letting God take away all the pain and bitterness associated with whatever happened, and choosing to let Him hold that burden and not hold it inside and be prisoner to it.

It might also help to think of it as the person who hurt you so badly is pretty wounded themselves. They've had their heart broken and shattered just like you have, and they've fallen captive to the Enemy. Does that excuse what they did? Not at all. But it does help us to let them go, realizing that they are broken pieces being used by the Enemy to destroy us.

A very wise woman once told me that forgiveness was not for the offending person, but for me. That totally blew my mind! What?! They're the ones who screwed up. ME forgiving THEM is me getting on the higher road and letting them off the hook, right? No. Choosing to forgive someone is allowing God to take all the broken pieces of our hearts and put them back together, to take us in His arms, and to bring us home. It takes away the bitterness and pain from our hearts and allows us to move on and be closer to the One who always forgives us.

There are certainly people in my life that I am being held prisoner by because I haven't forgiven them. But I'm on the path of letting go. Is there someone in your life you need to forgive? If so, just pray that God would come and heal your heart. That He would take the wounds and shattered pieces and put them together and take away the bitterness and pain from those situations. It could be revolutionary.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Happy Summer everyone!!! Hope whatever your plans are, that this post finds you well! Brinkley has certainly been keeping me busy, and it's truly like having a baby to take care of a puppy full time!! He brings such joy to me, and is a super funny dog that makes potty training frustrating lessen a bit ;)

I have recently switched churches. It's been a long time coming, and a prayerful decision that has been covered with friendly advice. I've only been at my new church a week and I already love it! I'm already being challenged more than I have in months at my previous one. Tonight was the first time I went to the college Bible study, and it's exactly what I've been looking for, and the challenge I need. And I want to share that knowledge and challenge with you!

This summer the college pastor (hereafter referred to as Kyle!) is taking a movie as a basis for study each week. Now, let me ward off any suspicions of what I had thought when I heard that. He's not taking them and turning them into Bible stories or trying to prove that there are Christian symbols in movies or dissecting them to a "T". It is merely taking a storyline and building from that. Tonight's movie was Snow White and the Huntsmen....which about 3 people had seen. And according to Kyle, if you haven't seen it yet...don't. I was sort of on the fence about it myself and definitely don't plan to see it...or if I do, to only waste $1 and watch it through Redbox.

Anyway, I digress...

One of the main points of his message tonight was from 1 Peter 5:8-9a. For your convenience, here it is:

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.  Resist him, standing firm in the faith.

We (myself included) must remember that as Christians we are fighting a war. Satan is our enemy and adversary as a default. Right now he has sent his little minions on YOU. Their assignment. As the verse says he is CONSTANTLY preying on you, looking for your weakness to exploit. Don't give him the satisfaction of a victory. So we must be alert and of sober mind...constantly on guard and resisting the temptation to give in to that weakness. One thing Kyle mentioned was an acronym that has stuck with me, and it will certainly stick with me as well. HALTS. Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired, Sick. Think about it! These situations are the ones in which we are most vulnerable! So in these states of mind we must be even more cautious and on guard for Satan to work against us.

Tonight really convicted me, and while I know you didn't hear his message, I hope it at least got you thinking. I have been in a vulnerable state quite frequently as of late, and have at times let Satan take advantage of that. But this verse is a good reminder and encouragement for everyone to guard their hearts and minds....and always remember we are at war, and not to let Satan win!

Monday, June 11, 2012


I would be remiss if I did not formally introduce the new love of my life to you! Saturday morning I became the proud owner of Mr. Brinkley Walker :)

He is a mix of Havenese and yes, he's a havapoo. He is 9 weeks old, so still very young and sleepy, but he's starting to come around! He had his first check up today and he is healthy and looking good! He is slightly hypoglycemic because he isn't really eating much, so we're working on that! He is starting to teeth so he is chewing on EVERYTHING!!!

He truly is so great already. He is super chill and loves to lay down and be held, but he can also be active and play around with his toys. What's funny is even when he's throwing around a toy...he's silent. The dog doesn't make a sound! Haha, the only time he cries or whines is if he can't see me or I leave the room. So we need to work on that too, which I'm assuming will get better in time! I think he is going to be pretty funny, as he already is. His favorite spot is on the couch with his head in between the cushions or in between pillows. And when he sleeps (as you can see below) he always puts his head in funny positions...I feel like he's going to hurt his little neck!!

Brinkley has been so much fun already, and I am excited to see how his personality changes as he yes older. I am always up for hearing any puppy tips anyone has as well!! It has been 16 years since I've had a puppy, and as a six year old you really don't help out much, so I'm basically doing this for the first time!!