Saturday, December 31, 2011


Yet again another year has gone by! It's insane to think it's already about to be 2012!! I remember thinking that sounded so crazy and futuristic, yet here it is! This is my traditional post composed of my (to the best of my ability) chronological order of massive memories from the past year.

I feel like this year has been SO. LONG. So much much change occured. Some good, and some bad. But it would suffice to say that I am not the same person who started on January 1, and I think I'm okay with that. Life is a constant growth process full of pain, sorrow, joy, and laughter....and I think if I ever get so complacent with my life that I never change, or am the same person I was a year ago, I have cause to worry.

Here's a super Cliff note version of my year!

Started off the year with the last of a series of 3 surgeries, coincidentally about 4 days before school started
I spent another wonderful semester trying to keep track of the crazy awesome KXA Big Brothers
There was a crazy arctic cold front that resulted in lots of snow!
Because of said snow, my friends and I went sledding down at the marina, using the tops of plastic bins
Muburak stepped down, a big politcal move
I was absolutely blessed beyond measure to add my 2 grandlittles to my lineage
Being a part of All-University SING
Finding out my sister was going to have a baby!!
The earthquake and tsunami in Japan
Bin Laden being killed
Flying by myself for the first time (to see my epic best friend!)
The debt ceiling crisis
Starting my senior year, living with my best friend from 3rd grade
Being sent off as Early Alum from KXA
My last Christmas on 5th celebration
RG3 winning the Heisman
My wonderful, annual post-finals hang out with my Gangster Z lovely
Having my beloved friend of 16 years, Freeway, die in my arms the morning after Christmas
Baylor winning the Alamo Bowl
My sister having her baby - making me an aunt!!
My grandpa turning 90!

This year - as you can see - has been such a whirlwind!! I am definitely excited for this upcoming year, one that will be really big in terms of my next big step in life. I can't believe that college is almost over!! So insane. Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful and safe New Years Eve...and an epic 2012!

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