Friday, March 12, 2010

Being used.

Now that I've started this blog, I'm realizing how little I have to say haha. Hopefully things will pick up after Spring Break is over. But now everyone besides Baylor has Spring Break!

Last week I started a new Bible study, and I'm really excited about it. It's a 12 week study by Tim Burns called Forged In the Fire. Each 4 weeks is dedicated to a character, the first being David. The whole basis of the book is how God uses situations (sometimes pretty sucky ones) for His glory and how we can use those situations to be molded into the person Christ calls us to be.

This first week was mostly an introduction to the book, but a lot about the background of David and leading up to him being chosen as king. Burns asks some really interesting questions that I never have thought about, like "Why do you think God did this?" or "Why do you think God did it this way?" Interesting to think about.

It's really cool to see the whole story, like what came before these great leaders we learn about, as well as what comes after. And one verse that Burns kept drilling and asked several times for the reader to write it out was 1 Sam 16:7 "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

David was really the outcast of his family. He is the youngest, smallest, and has to watch the sheep. One thing I never really thought of was that when Samuel came into town to choose the new king, it was a big deal. Everyone knew who Samuel was and it was like a celebrity coming to town. Especially for Jesse and his family, to have the honor of Samuel coming to his house...yet David wasn't invited. He wasn't even told. His brother was sent to go get him upon Samuel's request, and there is obvious tension between him and his oldest brother. So picture him set in this light. Not exactly someone on a pedestool you'd naturally think of to be the next king...but God did. He always uses the least likely (in human eyes) person, and one who has a weakness in some way. But God ALWAYS works through that weakness to bring His glory about, and the world is forever different because of them.

This surgery (and the one in 2 months give or take) have completely turned my world upside down. Many who know me know how much of a planner I am. Spontaneous isn't usually a word someone has used to describe me...or ever, that I know of. This was the most major surgery I have had, and the recovery still presses on. At least I'm walking now...those first 8 weeks of no walking drove me crazy!! I'm still not up to par yet but I'm getting there, and each little step makes my day. For example, last night in the shower I stood up for like 30 secs! Haha. But for reals, this was such a huge change for me so quickly. I found out I was having the surgery about 2 weeks before it actually happened. Taking a semester off of school was NEVER part of my plan, nor did I ever think it would. But I am already SO happy with the progress that has been made from this surgery, and I know it will only get better...especially after the other foot is done. There is a reason for this semester's life events, and although it may not be completely clear to me right now, it will be...hopefully soon!

God's plans are so mind boggling...and pure awesome. Learning about the people he uses should give us hope. No matter how weak, tiny, unconfident or whatever you think you are, or you have NO idea how you're going to handle a certain circumstance....God knows, and He WILL use you!

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