Today in church we talked in detail about the crucifixion and everything that Jesus went through...for my sins. For your sins. And honestly, I was cringing and it was really hard to listen to. But it should be! No one should be able to sit and just listen with no extra thoughts or sorrow or pain at what He did for us. He wanted God to find some other way and to "pass this cup" from Him...but ultimately He said "May your will be done." No matter how much he wanted to not have to die this EXCRUCIATING death, He still did it because it was the Father's will. And during all the trials he went through before His death, while he was being mocked and slapped around...He just took it. It was funny because my pastor was talking about that fact today (and I totally agreed with him) because he was talking about when they blindfolded Christ in Matthew 26:67-68 "Then they spit in his face and struck him with their fists. Other slapped him and said. 'Prophesy to us, Christ. Who hit you?'" He was saying, well of course Christ knew who it was...but he just sat in silence and took it. He said had He been Christ he would have struck the guy down right there haha.
Back to the serious note, is that this is something I never really focused on before. I knew all the crazy awful and horrendous things Christ went through for me...but I never really just sat and focused on how docile He was and how he just let it happen.
Then towards the end after some really great worship and reflecting time, we talked about how to respond to this time of the year. We ought to do 3 things: love Christ, hate sin, and TELL SOMEONE! So, I took him quite literally and am telling all of you!
Christ loves YOU so, so much. I would love to answer any questions anyone may have. This Friday is such a staple in Christianity, and is so, so important to our story. Christ died the most brutal death for each and every one of us...and then HE ROSE AGAIN!! He is alive!! Man, just such an incredible, incredible love that I can't begin to explain!!
On this Sunday before Good Friday and the Easter weekend...these lyrics are truly my heart's prayer right now.
"Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks yours
Everything I am for your Kingdom's cause
As I walk from Earth into eternity"
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