Sunday, March 21, 2010


Well, it happened. Healthcare passed.

Today America has changed, and not for the better.

Rob Worsham gave me permission to use his status, and it's exactly how I feel right now. "How about these congressmen actually listen to their constituents instead of their greedy, ambitious pride? Now that's a change I can believe in."

The majority of Americans have spoken loud and clear saying that they want no part of this piece of legislation...but Washington didn't hear. Or, even worse, they heard and ignored. I'm sorry, but last time I checked the reason we had elected officials representing us in Congress was that they would actually represent us. Just a crazy thought.

As someone who has a lot of medical issues, healthcare is an incredibly important thing for me personally. Government now runs healthcare, which BTW is not consitutional, and can now decide who I get to go see, if my condition is legit enough to get help for, and when I can see them. They think that we can add 32 million people to healthcare without adding to the deficit. Good thinking, guys. And with the same number of health care professionals. This is going to raise taxes ridiculously, and now private health care companies will likely phase out because they can't compete against a government run health care system.

A lot of this I think has nothing to do with healthcare, really. Yes, you just read that. This is about a president and other legislative members who are on a power trip. It doesn't matter what the bill was about necessarily, they just wanted to prove that they could pass a ridiculous, revolutionary reform just to say they could. They have completely lost touch with the American people, and right now our economy should be our top priority. And spending $1 trillion on a bill that no one wants isn't the best idea to lower our debt.

Listening to Obama is always hard for me, because he talks but never says anything. And that trend continued tonight. He even started off his speech by saying that this vote proved that we could pass big that was the point. He talks about this like it is going to make America the best it has been. He says it will be better for parents who have children with a chronic illness, like mine. He says it will be better for small businesses, even though the raised taxes will cause them to shut down. My mom might lose her job because her boss doesn't know if he can stay open now. He calls it "a victory for common sense." Yeah, right.

I'd like to end with words of wisdom from Dr. Charles Krauthammer, a Fox news commentator, MD, and lawyer who is paralyzed from the neck down. "It is better to be paralyzed from the neck down, then from the neck up."

1 comment:

  1. Amen. But what concerns me the most is it's effect on capitalism in itself. I believe it is a direct attack on our freedom, considering it will destroy 1/6 of capitalism. Btw I am so happy that you found a drug that can help you with your MD!
