Monday, October 5, 2015


Community is something that I never really struggled with until college. Suddenly I was in a new city, going to a new school and for the first time really, left to my own devices to make my own friends - which is a huge struggle for a shy and introverted person. Not only was I trying to navigate finding new social circles, I was learning a new town, learning how to be in college, finding a new church home and all that comes with those life transitions - but guess what? So was everyone else around me.

Here I am about seven years later in quite a same predicament - new town, in need of new social circles, finding a new church home, and trying to navigate my first job in my career. And for some reason (completely God directed) the subject of community and fellowship keeps popping up. Today I was reading for my small group (at my new home church - yay!), and we are deeply going through 1, 2, and 3 John which are books that I've definitely never dove into, so I am excited for that. And what are the first 4 verses all about? You guessed it - fellowship.

If you haven't read the first part of 1 John I invite you to. In chapter 1:3-4 John specifically writes about his reasoning for writing these letters, and it is so others (aka even us today) might have FELLOWSHIP with them as believers, and that our joy will be complete. Our joy in Christ is made complete by the presence of community. More and more, this week in particular, I am being reminded that we are not meant to live this life alone - but together in community.

Think about anytime you walk by someone (in Texas anyhow) and we do the all too familiar "How are you? Good, you? "Good" And that's it. What kind of real life is that?! Today for example has been a really terrible day physically. Even in my home I've been using my wheelchair to get around because I don't have the strength to stand and it's just too painful, but I had to go into work for a bit to get some things done. So as I'm walking the excruciating path from my car to my office it is literally taking every fiber in my being to not just break down into a heap on the floor and cry. But when a coworker came out into the hallway traditional "How are you?" Of course I said "Good and you?" And he was none the wiser. How many times have you been that person putting on a brave face? Or - perhaps even worse- how often has someone done that to you? Imagine how powerful it would be if we took down this wall we have that everything has to be rainbows and unicorns and sunshine all the time! I must say the times I've asked friends how they are doing, when I receive an honest and real answer it is so much more rewarding than getting a typical "fine" or "good" response! Not only does it give you a chance to have a REAL conversation with someone, but it opens the door for your relationship with that person to get deeper so that real fellowship and community can be built.

It's truly amazing to see how common situations are when you allow yourself to be real with people and get out of your comfort zone, letting God foster deeper connections. For example, this month is Dysautonomia awareness month and I have been doing a "Photo A Day" Challenge where I discuss an issue that people struggling with dysautonomia face. I've mostly been doing it for an awareness obviously, but some dear friends of mine have taken on the task of doing the challenge as well, further spreading the word. And I have received so many responses personally, and via these friends from other people who are struggling with the same disease - who knew!! So it's bringing this big world a bit closer in, bringing us together - in community.

It's incredible when you open up how you discover the all too forgotten truth that you're not alone. There's always someone who has been where you are right now whether it's the beginning/ending of a relationship, beginning/ending of a job, loss of a friend/loved one, getting great news, adding a new member to your family, whatever the case may be! We aren't mean to live isolated lives with hundreds of facebooks "friends" with no real connections. Get outside in the real world and have real, honest conversations and it will be incredible the community that develops!!

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