Sunday, May 23, 2010

The End.

Well, after six incredible seasons and a two and a half hour finale...LOST is over. It's really crazy the international following it has. Even the cast is from all over the world!

I was talking to my best friend tonight, a fellow LOST watcher, tonight as we were watching the 2 hr review with the cast and writers putting in their input, and I was telling her how jealous I was of those writers. I mean I was I had that kind of brain to come up with this incredible show that has so many twists and turns. I mean every single episode I had a least one moment where my jaw literally dropped. It never got old! Such a brillant show, just plain brillant!

AH! I just can't explain how much I love this show. I mean, anyone who knows me well knows my slight (ha) obsession with Gilmore Girls. There is never a time when I'm not cycling through all the seasons, and I can quote any scene from any's rather sad, I must admit. Yet, I think LOST beats GG! The plot, storyline, attention getting ability of LOST is something that I've never experienced with any other show, and I feel like it will be hard to beat. It's just brillant! I wish there was a better word, but that pretty much sums it up. Brillant.

I really hope these writers start something else after this, with their crazy awesome writing skills who knows what will happen. If you don't watch LOST, then you definitely need to!!!

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